Help Please !

Alexander Reiprich reiprich at uni-duesseldorf.de
Tue Apr 22 12:41:29 EST 1997

M.G. wrote:
> Please Read the attached file.
> God bless,
> Cathy
> Hi, my name is Cathy and I live with my family in Los Angeles.
> I am a 39 years old white married female. I am a non-meat eater, take vitamins, and drink only distilled water and fruit juices. 

That is the first time I have heard of someone drinking distilled water!
Your nervous system needs some basic cations (sodium, potassium,
calcium, magnesium etc.) which can be delivered by mineral water for
example. I guess you should stop drinking distilled water and use normal
mineral water instead. Although I do not know if this will cure your
disease you should try it!

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