Gamma-OH (GHB) in Anorexia Nervosa

Satoshi Tanaka soso at rr.iij4u.or.jp
Sun Apr 20 02:24:01 EST 1997

In article <3356e82c.924621 at news.twics.com>, cyrano at beehive.twics.com
(Claude de Contrecoeur) wrote:

> Dear All,
> The anti-depressants and anti-anxiety effects of
> Gamma-OH(Trademark,since 1961),that is G.H.B,are
> getting,progressively,confirmed!
> 2 other indications I would like to promote are:

I'm a psychiatrist and got interested in "Gamma-OH." But I don't have any
about it.

> I.The treatment of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia
> 2.The treatment of Anorexia nervosa
I also have some cases suffering with negative symptoms or AN. 
Please teach me the place where "Gamma-OH" information is.

   Satoshi TANAKA, in JAPAN

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