David Shepherd D.Shepherd at soton.ac.uk
Fri Apr 18 04:18:26 EST 1997


Available immediately on a BBSRC funded project to study the mechanisms
controlling the growth of sensory axons in embryonic and adult Drosophila.
The project focuses on the role of a small subset of embryonic sensory
neurons which have been shown to persist through metamorphosis and whose
axons prefigure the pathways taken by adult sensory axons. Current data
suggest that  these neurons act as guidance cues for controlling the
assembly of the adult sensory projections and as such provide the template
of the adult sensory projections. To test this the project will use laser
ablation to kill individual sensory neurons and the Gal4 expression system
to alter the characteristics of sensory neurons.

The ideal candidate will have a background in developmental neuroscience
especially at the cellular level. Experience with Drosophila would be an
asset but is not essential. Lots of enthusiasm and dedication will more
than make up for any deficiency in these areas.

If you are interested or would like more information you can either contact
me directly (Email or phone)  or check out my web pages

David Shepherd
School of Biological Sciences
University of Southampton
SO16 7PX

Tel: (44) 1703 594389
Fax: (44) 1703 594269

Research Division -     http://www.cellsci.soton.ac.uk/cellsci.html
Personal -              http://www.soton.ac.uk/~ds

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