Although much emphasis is placed on the spatially oriented visual neurons in
V1 and other visual areas, it is known that a certain percentage of cells are
unoriented [1-7]. These tend to occur most in the CO blob layers, but they
also seem to appear outside of the CO blob regions (for example, in layers 5,
2-3, and 4ca [3]). Unoriented cortical cells tend to have circular-surround
receptive fields, though some have no inhibitory surround [7], and most cells
are selective for wavelength, though some are not [1,5]; the latter were
termed "broadband" cells by Livingstone & Hubel [1]. Unoriented cells in V1
tend to be complex cells [3], and they tend to respond to lower spatial
frequencies than do the more common oriented simple and complex cells [6].
I'm working on a simulation into which I would like to incorporate a model of
the broadband unoriented cortical cells. But I'm having a difficult time
finding data on the parameters of these cells. Can anyone suggest to me
where I can find the following kind of information?
1) What are the spatial-frequency bandwidths of cells in this class?
2) Assuming these cells are appropriately modeled with difference-of-Gaussian
circular receptive fields of the form
k_center * G(sigma_center) - k_surround * G(sigma_surround)
what are appropriate mean values for the sigma's of the Gaussians and the
weighting constants k_center and k_surround?
3) Are there any theories about the functions of the broadband unoriented
4) Are there any existing models of the receptive fields of the broadband
unoriented cells?
I'd appreciate any help. -- Mike Hucka
[1] Livingstone, M.S., & Hubel, D.H. (1984). Anatomy and Physiology of a Color
System in the Primate Visual Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience,
[2] De Valois, R.L., & De Valois, K.K. (1988). Spatial Vision. Oxford
University Press.
[3] DeBruyn, E.J., Casagrande, V.A., Beck, P.D., & Bonds, A.B. (1993).
Visual Resolution and Sensitivity of Single Cells in the Primary Visual
Cortex (V1) of a Nocturnal Primate (Bush Baby): Correlations with
Cortical Layers and Cytochrome Oxidase Patterns. Journal of
Neurophysiology, 69(1):3-18.
[4] Saito, H.-A., Tanaka, K., Fukada, Y., & Oyamada, H. (1988). Analysis of
Discontinuity in Visual Contours in Area 19 of the Cat. Journal of
Neuroscience, 8(4):1131-1143.
[5] Ts'o, D.Y., & Gilbert, C.D. (1988). The Organization of Chromatic and
Spatial Interactions in the Primate Striate Cortex. Journal of
Neuroscience, 8(5):1712-1727.
[6] Tootell, R.B.H., Silverman, M.S., Hamilton, S.L., Switkes, E., & De
Valois, R.L. (1988). Functional Anatomy of Macaque Striate Cortex. V.
Spatial Frequency. Journal of Neurosicence, 8(5):1610-1624.
[7] Young, R.A., & Lesperance, R.M. (1993). A Physiological Model of Motion
Analysis for Machine Vision. Technical Report GMR-7878, General Motors
Research Laboratories, Warren, Michigan.
Mike Hucka hucka at umich.edu University
PhD to be, computational models of human visual processing (AI Lab) of
UNIX systems administrator & programmer/analyst (EECS DCO) Michigan