Simulations in Computational Neuroscience
June 11-14, 1997
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Participants in this workshop will learn to use PGENESIS, a parallel
version of the GENESIS simulator, and PNEURON (under development), a
parallel version of the NEURON simulator. This course will be of
interest to active modelers who perceive the need for large simulations
which are beyond the effective capabilities of single-cpu workstations.
Both PGENESIS and PNEURON are suitable for large scale parallel search
of parameter space for single neuron and neuronal network models.
PGENESIS is also suitable for parallel simulation of very large
network models. Both of these packages run on single workstations,
workstation networks, small-scale parallel computers and large
massively parallel supercomputers, providing a natural scale-up path.
For large simulations NSF funds four supercomputing centers for the
use of US-based computational scientists.
Familiarity with the non-parallel version of GENESIS or NEURON is
preferred but not required. Techniques for parallel search of
parameter space and for decomposition of network models will be two
foci of the workshop. Participants are encouraged to bring their
models to the workshop. Each participant is provided with an SGI Irix
workstation and accounts on PSCs advanced computing resources including
our 512-node Cray T3E. Each day lectures will be followed by hands-on
computing sessions at which experienced instructors will be available
to assist in using PGENESIS and PNEURON, and optimizing models.
Hotel accommodations during the workshop for researchers affiliated
with U.S. academic institutions will be paid by our NIH grant.
Complimentary breakfast and lunches also will be provided. There is no
registration fee for this workshop. All other costs incurred in
attending (travel, other meals, etc.) are the responsibility of the
individual participant.
The deadline for submitting applications is May 3, 1997. Enrollment is
limited to 20 participants. Further information and application
materials can be found at:
Support for this workshop is from NIH under the NCRR program and
from NSF under the Computational Activities in Biology program.