Some time ago we published some papers relating to cytochrome P450
proteins and their activities which may have relevance to the
interests of some subscribers to this list. We would be very
grateful for any information as to whether any of this work has been
followed up and for relevant references (esp. in conference
proceedings, books etc.)
The publications concerned were:
1) R.H.Wickramasinghe, " Regulation of corticosteroid hydroxylations:
the intramitochondrial dielectric constant and proteolipids of
adrenodoxin and cytochrome P450 " , CYTOBIOS (Cambridge, England)
2) R.H.Wickramasinghe, " The regulation of corticosteroid
hydroxylations. 1. An effect of inorganic ions in regulating
iron-sulphur protein-dependent electron transport " , JOURNAL OF
BIOENERGETICS 5(1973)151-161,
3) R.H.Wickramasinghe, " Dielectric constants and lithium ion
treatment of psychiatric illness " , Abstracts, 35th Annual
National Meeting of the American Federation for Clinical Research,
30 April - 1 May 1978 at San Francisco, California,
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and in advance
for any help you can give.
Rohan H. Wickramasinghe