Cytochrome P450 book

Rohan H. Wickramasinghe rohan at ites.ac.lk
Wed Apr 16 12:52:08 EST 1997

                * THE CYTOCHROME P-450 PROTEINS:


           ROHAN H. WICKRAMASINGHE , B.A.(Hons)Cantab.,
              M.A.Cantab., PH.D.(Edinburgh), FNASSL

The Cytochrome P-450 proteins play most important roles in living
organisms. The above book (ISBN 955-552-029-9) provides an
introduction to the field and includes an extensive bibliography of
references to the publications which had appeared up to the time
the book was prepared.

The author has performed research on cytochrome P-450 and associated
enzymatic reactions at a number of leading universities in Europe
and the United States, viz. Edinburgh University, University of
Texas at Galveston, Harvard University and the University of
Muenster in Germany. (He has also performed research in other areas
at other institutions such as at the College de France in Paris and
at the University of Maryland at College Park.)

Copies of the above book are available for purchase. Further
information could be obtained from the following address:

Dr. Rohan H.Wickramasinghe, FNASSL,
Institute for Tropical Environmental Studies,
41 Flower Road,
Colombo 7,
Sri Lanka
(e-mail: rohan at ites.ac.lk)

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