ISCIS XII Second Call for Papers

ISCIS XII isciscfp at mercan.cmpe.boun.edu.tr
Wed Apr 16 11:29:50 EST 1997

                                     ISCIS XII


                      October 27-29, 1997, Antalya, Turkey

                                   Organized by
                      Bogazici University, Istanbul,Turkey

Conference Chair
Selahattin Kuru, Turkey

Honorary Chair
Erol Gelenbe, USA

Program Committee
H. Levent Akin (Co-Chair), Turkey , M. Ufuk Caglayan (Co-Chair), Turkey,
L. Akarun, Turkey, V. Akman, Turkey, E. Alpaydin, Turkey, K.
Altinel,Turkey, E. Arkun,Turkey, I. Aybay, Turkey, Z. Bayram, Turkey,
S.Bilgen, Turkey, B. R. Bryant, USA, A. Dogac,Turkey, J. Eder, Austria,
C.Ersoy, Turkey, S.Fdida, France, J. M. Fourneau, France, D. Garlan,
USA, C. Ghezzi, Italy, M. Gokmen, Turkey , L.Grandinetti, Italy ,
T. Gundem, Turkey, A. Guvenir, Turkey, U. Halici,Turkey, E. Harmanci,
Turkey, F. Hoffman, Germany, K. Inan, Turkey, B. Maglaris , Greece,
S. Neftci, Turkey, M. Nivat, France, S. Oktug, Turkey, R. Onvural, USA,
B. Orencik, Turkey, C.Ozturan, Turkey, V. Paschos,France, J. F. Perrot,
France, P. Quinton, France, M. Raynal, France, E. Rosti, Italy,
A.C.C. Say, Turkey, G. Serazzi, Italy, J. Sole-Pareta, Spain, K. Sloan,
USA, R. Smeliansky, Russia, A. Stafylopatis, Greece, M. Tayli, Turkey,
H. Tijms, Netherlands, O. Tosun, Turkey, F. Yarman-Vural, Turkey,
N. Yalabik, Turkey, N. Yucel, Turkey

Local Organizing Committee
Duygu Arbatli, Turkey, A. Taylan Cemgil, Turkey, Albert Levi, Turkey ,
Mete Yilmaz, Turkey

Advisory Board
M. Baray, Turkey, S. Eren, Turkey, E. Gelenbe, USA, E. Harmanci, Turkey,
Y. Karsligil, Turkey, S. Kuru, Turkey, E. Ozkarahan, Turkey, F.
Yarman-Vural, Turkey, U. Yarimagan, Turkey

ISCIS  XII  is the twelfth of a series of meetings that  have brought
together computer scientists and engineers from  many countries.  This
year's conference will again be  held  in  a resort hotel in the
beautiful Mediterranean city of Antalya, in  a  region rich  in  natural
as well  as  archeological, architectural  and historical sites. During
the  symposium, there will  be  invited speeches  and  special sessions
on different aspects  of high speed computer networks,  software
engineering and artificial intelligence.

                  TOPICS OF INTEREST

*    Computer Networks
*    Parallel Processing and Parallel Algorithms
*    Theoretical Computer Science
*    Computer Architecture and Systems
*    Artificial Intelligence
*    Neural Networks
*    Computer Graphics
*    Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
*    Real Time Computing
*    Performance Evaluation
*    Software Engineering
*    Databases
*    Programming Languages
*    Distributed Systems
*    Formal Methods
*    Computer Vision
*    Computational Mathematics
*    Information Retrieval

                PAPER SUBMISSION

Please  submit four copies (one original and three copies)  of the
full  paper (in English) limited to 8 pages to the  below address.
Electronic submission of papers is encouraged. Papers in
Postscript or Word for Windows formats are welcome.

             ISCIS XII
             Department of Computer Engineering
             Bogazici University
             Bebek, Istanbul, 80815 Turkey

Tel: +90 (212) 263 1540 ext. 1323
Fax: +90 (212) 287 2461

email: iscis at www.cmpe.boun.edu.tr
anonymous ftp: www.cmpe.boun.edu.tr/iscis

Paper Format

on  A4  or letter size paper with single space, single column, one inch
margins on all four sides. The first page should have a two inch margin
at the top. Centered at the top of the first page should  be  the
complete title of the paper, author(s), affiliation(s), mailing  and
e-mail address(es),  then  the abstract, not exceeding 15 lines,
followed by the text. In  an accompanying letter, the following should
be  included:  full title  of  the  paper, author name(s),  mailing
address(es), telephone  and  fax.  numbers and e-mail  address(es)  of
the author(s) indicating the presenter and technical session names (lst
and 2nd choices) to be selected from the list of topics given  above.
Accepted  papers  will  be published  in   the symposium proceedings.

The symposium welcomes proposals for invited sessions.

Important Dates :
* Papers Due : May 1, 1997
* Notification of Acceptance :  July 15, 1997
* Camera Ready Papers :         August 15, 1997
                   LOCAL ATTRACTIONS

The city of Antalya was founded during the 2nd century BC by Attalus II,
the king of Pergamon, who named the city Attaleia after himself. The
Romans and Seljuks occupied the city before it came under Ottoman rule.
In every part of the city, the marks of these historical periods can be
observed. The Kaleigi section of Antalya is one of the most interesting
parts of the city with its ancient Seljuk and Ottoman mosques. Antalya
further broadens its reputation with the nearby ancient city Perge and
Aspendos theatre. Perge, 18 km from Antalya, is one of the best
preserved cities of ancient Pamphylia. Aspendos is 46 km from Antalya.
The galleries, stage decorations and the acoustics in the theater all
reflect the success of architecture. Side is an ancient harbor with its
magnificent ancient theater near the agora, and the creamy white columns
of the Apollo Temple make striking contrast against the blue sea.
Waterfalls, beaches and national parks are places where nature displays
her beauty in Antalya. There are also many excellent shopping
opportunities, including folk art items, handicrafts, museum
reproductions, leather goods and carpets.


There are two main alternatives for travelling to Antalya. The first one
is a direct flight from a major European location to Antalya airport.
Turkish Airlines have direct flights from many European cities to
Antalya. The second alternative is to fly to Istanbul and then take a
domestic flight to Antalya. For flight schedules please check with a
travel agency.

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