Are brains necessary?

Anthonie Muller awjm at holyrood.ed.ac.uk
Tue Apr 15 09:58:53 EST 1997

On 11 Apr 1997, Harlan Harris wrote:

> In article <334d755c.25207587 at news.supernews.com>,
> Silvano D'Orazio <Silvano D'Orazio> wrote:


> I fence, and it's long been noted that beginners cause much more trouble for
> accomplished fencers than do moderately skilled fencers. I suspect that's 
> because it's very difficult to model someone who doesn't know what they're
> doing.
>  -Harlan

This is also true for chess. Beginners can just by chance come up with
a very good move - but spoil it a little later.

Anthonie Muller

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