In article <UPMAIL07.199704142157520957 at>, rcb5 at MSN.COM ("Ronald
Blue") wrote:
> Can someone reference me to a post script translator to ASCII?
> I have a paper from Lei Xu on advances in Ying-Yang Machines which I would
> like to read. Xu can not send an ASCII copy.
> Ron Blue
As PostScript is a kind of description on how to print a page, rather than
a text-containing document, it is impossible to read ASCII from it.
However, you can download the file to any PostScript compatible printer.
Also, you can use Ghostwriter, which will print a PostScript file to
non-postscript printers - check out AltaVista for more information.
Guy Hermans, PhD student
Ms research Unit Immunology research group
Dr. L. Willems-Institute Dept. of Physiology, LUC
University Campus University Campus
B-3590 Diepenbeek B-3590 Diepenbeek
Belgium Belgium
Voice ++32(0)11/26.92.07
Fax ++32(0)11/26.92.09