I was told,recently,that there was a "war" against "drugs" which
started when Reagan took office.
I was not aware about that! In fact,I wonder who is aware about that
outside the United States of America.
Suffice to say that Mr.Reagan often acted like an Intellectal
I remember how we were shocked,in Europe,to hear this person label a
whole country as the "Empire of Evil".
This reminded me of the extreme rightist Mr Le Pen,in France,and we
could not but equate Reagan to Le Pen in the minds.
In France such a proclamation would be considered as racist
provocation and condemned by law.
How could a sane man act in such an insane way? Because of ideology
and ignorance...
Worse:how could the media print such a monstruosity?
Because they like big titles and MONEY...
A simple word condemning and judging millions of people?
This was not so different from Hitler labelling the whole Jews as
infra-humans:it generated what I call "cortico-limbic" hallucinations
which are the worst type of hallucinations in existence because they
are responsible of entropic activities of human beings like wars and
intra-specific aggression.
What is amusing is that there are no laws prohibiting cortico-limbic
hallucinations such as those concocted by the "Holy See" of the F.D.A
Religious Inquisition,for instance or other psychotoxic agencies.
The "american" F.D.A has often acted like a Holy
Inquisition,eructing,ejaculating decrees on this and that without any
prior proper scientific investigation.
I would not criticise this ridiculous F.D.A if the United-States did
not have an undue control of OTHER countries,through economic
blackmail or economic colonialism.When you want to control other
countries you should be ready to be hit hard on the head,israeli
Israel is a respected country because it does not accept blackmail.
This is a position Sir Winston Churchill would have had highly
appreciated:hit aggressors hard on their concrete heads!
Unfortunately for other countries if this grotesque F.D.A summarily
executes some molecules they label as "drugs"(like before the Holy
Inquisition labelled poor innocent people as "possessed by the
Devil"...)it has now an influence outside of the USA.This is
Jesus Christ said one thing of extraordinary profound meaning:"Do NOT
do to others what you would not like others to do to you".
If everybody followed this simple statement,the world would be a happy
and peaceful place to live in,right?
Alas,human beings,like other animals,are embedded in their aggressive
ego and will,mostly,NEVER do what Jesus Christ recommended.
Now here is the problem:in the past the Holy See of the F.D.A issued
decrees against numerous devilish alien molecules or non "christian
plants(!)"such as the hallucinogens,ibogaine,canabis,etc.
By their subjective and terrorist decrees they achieved what they
wanted:terrorise scientists and laymen alike!
As the vast majority of scientists behave like POULTRY IN A POULTRY
YARD this intellectual terrorism was highly efficient:it muzzled them
but a few.
Intellectual terrorism CANNOT BE ACCEPTED.It is a fundamental breach
of the Declaration for Human Rights.
Worse:it is an orwellian Dictatorship of the Mind.
The F.D.A is acting like Orwell's "Big Brother" and this is why it
should be dismantled.
Terrorising and bullying scientists or people who want to make
peaceful research has nothing to do with authentic Science but stems
from an authoritarian self-baptised Inquisition.
The F.D.A gave itself the right(!)to terrorise intellectual freedom.
Consequently they are sheer Dictators of the worst kind.
So the F.D.A shoul be combatted,abolished and replaced by a true
scientific organism devoid of bureaucrats.
The last decree of this F.D.A against a very promising molecule called
Gamma-OH,4-OHB,G.H.B or "Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate" is the LAST STRAW of
the F.D.A subjective and terrorist actions.
The F.D.A cannot MUZZLE freedom of thought and research in arbitrary
ways reminiscent of Stalinism.
People who call themselves "Americans"(a semantic usurpation!)instead
of calling themselves,properly:United-Statians,are over-sensitive to
any form of criticism,even when the criticism is about the human
condition,per se,and not really about Americans themselves.
My criticism concerns human beings and their rights,not a specific
country but it happens that one country(the USA)is behaving like a
Suzerain and treating other countries or cultures,etc,as VASSALS.
We are not any more in feodality but in modernity.We are not any more
in the Middle-Age but in the 20th century.
The USA seems to have a primal need of living by fantasying about real
or imagined "enemies".
Enemies can be anything you want as long as it fits your personal
political motives.These imaginary enemies are then depicted in extreme
black and white manners in american films which
are,gullibily,swallowed by average Americans.
Despite a defiant tradition about government institutions the
Americans,still,are highly GULLIBLE and swallow anything without much
Because in the USA emotions(cortico-limbic hallucinations!)and their
depiction via the media is highly prized.
This is a heritage of those Puritans who founded that country.Coming
to the TV and talking about your marriage life or how terrible your
hemmorhoids are,is something very attractive,apparently!!!
Interestingly,though,they never speak about the interesting social and
sexual behaviours of the Bonobo(a chimpanzee!)which reminds so much
humans:kissing on the lips,making love in human ways,from the
Observations like these are censored from the media!!!
Again,you can understand this silly behaviour if you analyse how sects
function,the first sect being the one of those Puritans who landed in
Intellectual terrorism,in one of its latest version,has been called
"politically correct" in the USA!!!
"Dieu merci" that we still do not have this madness here,in Asia,or in
This concept of "politically correct" is very reminiscent of the
hypocrisy of the Catholic Popes,before the Renaissance,when they even
brought their children to the Vatican!!!
This "war" on "drugs",launched in the USA, is reminiscent of the
Ayatollahs of Iran,pursuing any form of Intellectual Freedom.
In fact,when some non-american molecules were condemned and
intellectually burned at stake,by the F.D.A,this was a pure act of
Intellectual Terrorism because something was condemned WITHOUT ANY
PRIOR SCIENTIFC JUDGEMENT.It was a "Holy Inquisition".
This has been a constant,typical behaviour in
North-America:Intellectual Terrorism,from Salem,to McCarthy,to
"devilish" Molecules accused of providing Pleasure,etc.
What a contradiction between the US constitution which encourages(if
my memory is correct)individuals to pursue pleasure and the actual
governments which behave,sometimes,like the fanatics of Iran!
Intellectual Freedom should be guaranteed and witch-hunts should cease
once and for all.
But how to achieve this in front of this formidable Oligarchistic
Mercantilistic power in existence in the USA?
Frankly,I do not see much to do but to struggle in order to INFORM
those people continuously brainwashed by the media,etc.
We should encourage people to think authentically by their own,to
follow first their Reason and not their emotions.
We should put the quest for Knowledge at the centre of our
Intellectual Terrorists,like Reagan,the FDA,etc,should cease to exist
if the USA wants truely to achieve the state of a civilised nation.
A nation which authorises people to buy and keep weapons,at home,is
certainly NOT a civilised nation but a nation of Iroquois...
It is extraordinary for a foreigner to see this monstruous and
abominable contradiction in US behaviours:authorise killing by legal
weapons but forbid individuals to use their very OWN brain in their
quest for happiness.
Encourage killings and violence through non-stop murder and bloody
movies(Terminator's or Predator's style,etc)but "inquisitionning"
against a molecule such as Gamma-OH which promotes peace,sociability
and human contacts or,eve,sometimes love...
Intellectual terrorism is STALINISM in a disguised way.The very
country which wants to promote freedom,theoretically,in fact often
resorts to stalinist-like methods,such as those of the F.D.A,etc!!!
Ironical,decho?(decho means "isnt'it,in this country)
Wherever there is Intellectual Terrorism there cannot be an authentic
humane civilisation but just Hypocrisy and brutal bullying.
The most dangerous thing for the Oligarchs in power,in the USA,or
Think of Noam Chomsky for instance.
Jean Ziegler,a Swiss University Professor,has well described how a
nation(Switzerland,for instance)can be run by an Oligarchy disguised
under Democracy.
Ziegler,for that,is quite hated in his country and regularly attacked
by the Swiss Pharisees!
The problem is that,now,Mercantilistic Oligarchies are nearly
They are the ones who detain real power over the citizens,permanently
zombified by TV games,commercials,music,etc,all things meant to
prevent them from THINKING with their own mind in order to accept the
status quo.
If there are real "enemies" somewhere they are those Oligarchs who
maintain citizens in a sea of ignorance through Intellectual
They are the real terrorists,clever ones!
Stealth terrorists!!!
The F.D.A should be deprived of its dictatory powers.
Any volunteers courageous enough to act??