We are announcing the EJCBS (The Electronic Journal
of Cognitive and Brain Sciences) as an experimental journal
which is published in an electronic form on the
World Wide Web (WWW). Submission, acceptance and publication
are automated. The journal is moderated by the whole scientific
community. It requires no editorial supervision. EJCBS is
dedicated to publishing experimental, theoretical reports,
review papers, joint commentaries, degree Ph.D. theses and
preliminary works before they are submitted to other journals.
Beyond the characteristics of the traditional printed journals,
and in contrast with the characteristics of other electronic
journals, EJCBS has certain new features which may attract
scientist and thinkers to challenge their works.
Some of these features are:
-Supports graphical representation (insertion of figures,
images, charts, mathematical formulas)
-Two stages of acceptance
-Final acceptance based on an on-line poll of the readers
-Open for reviews and commentaries, with on line links to
encourage discussion, and communication of ideas.
This type of publishing has never before been tested. Since
the system is open for public review and examination it
facilitates discussion among professionals. The quality of
the journal is guaranteed by setting a high threshold for
acceptance. Acceptance of submitted material is judged by our
on-line poll. The readers evaluation, or on-line poll has
been designed to focus on the standards of the hypothesis
testing, theoretical relevance and methodological adequacy.
Submission is easy! An interactive protocol for submission
instantly links the submitted article into the first stage
of review. The journal should be aesthetically pleasing.
Formatting styles and figure placement can be manipulated
until a final form is accepted by the author. Once a document
has been submitted and accepted, it becomes permanently
available in the archive. The authors are eligible to
republish their papers in other journals. Thus, EJCBS may
provide a useful domain to crystallize the content of any
scientific paper before it is submitted to other journals.
Free Access! Access to EJCBS is free. Materials may be
examined and downloaded for personal or public use. However,
the submitted papers are still protected by copyright law
and referencing to materials obtained from the EJCBS
requires correct citation of the author and journal.
More details in the following web site:
URL=> http://osiris.rutgers.edu/~zoli/ejcbs.html
See you in the pages of our journal.
Zoltan Nadasdy
Rutgers University, CMBN
197 University Ave
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: (201) 648-1080 x:3360
email: zoli at osiris.rutgers.edu