mouse monoclonal to detect mouse proteins

Angie lgd450 at nwu.edu
Fri Apr 11 16:03:06 EST 1997

In article <Pine.BSF.3.95.970411150751.15161B-100000 at orion.webspan.net>,
"French A. Lewis" <falewis at mail.webspan.net> wrote:

>         I have a question for those who have done immunohistochemistry on
> mouse brain slices.   My question is how to detect the antibody that has
> bound.   I have done western blots, and have used either a conjugated
> goat-anti mouse or a goat-anti rabbit as a secondary antibody to visualize
> where my primary antibody has bound to proteins on the nitrocellulose.   I
> am wondering, if using a goat-anti mouse IgG would lead to high background
> in IHC due to the presence of endogenous mouse IgG in the brain.
>         Thanks in advance for the help,
>         French

Using a mouse antibody on mouse tissue can definitely cause background. 
For the best bet, use a polyclonal antibody made in a different animal,
such as a rabbit, goat, or chicken.  You can still have problems with
cross reactivity if you antibody is made in rat.


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                              --From "Arsenic and Old Lace"

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