Kendra Pyle kendra at ln.nimh.nih.gov
Fri Apr 11 09:55:54 EST 1997

Are you looking for a job that will offer both valuable neuroscience and
behavioral research experience as well as recommendations from prominent
researchers at the National Institues of Health for graduate or medical
school applications?  Are you a recent graduate in either neuroscience,
biology, psychology, pharmacology, physiology, zoology or related fields
with at least a 3.0 GPA?  Our group in the Laboratory of Neuropsychology,
located within the National Institue of Mental Health, in Bethesda,
Maryland (next to Washington, DC) is currently looking for a motivated
person to fill a predoctoral-IRTA fellowship position.  The position is
specifically designed for a candidate with a bachelor's degree who is
interested in gaining research experience for 1-2 years before continuing
to pursue an advanced professional degree.  Preference will be given to
candidates that are interested in committing to our projects for 2 years. 
We are currently examining the neurochemistry and neuroanatomy of learning
and memory using non-human primates.  The successful candidate will be
responsible for training animals to perform several learning and memory
tasks, collecting behavioral data, histological preparation of brain
tissue, and helping to analyze data.  Although experience with these
techniques is helpful, it is unnecessary since we will train you in all
procedures.  In addition, the candidate will be given the opportunity to
collaborate with other researchers and to attend scientific seminars on
the NIH campus.  Applicants should plan on starting no later than July 1,
1997.  If you are interested in this excellent opportunity, please send
your resume and transcripts to:

Dr. Thressa Smith
Laboratory of Neuropsychology
National Institue of Mental Health
Bldg 49,  Room 1B80
Bethesda, MD  20892

If you have questions or would rather send the required information
quickly, attach transcripts and resume to email and send to
tds at ln.nimh.nih.gov

Kendra Pyle
National Institute of Mental Health
Bldg. 49,  Room 1B80
49 Convent Road,  MSC 4415
Bethesda, MD 20892-4415
email: kendra at ln.nimh.nih.gov

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