Need Cash?

Margaret Thornberry mlthorn at dnai.com
Wed Apr 9 23:53:18 EST 1997

This is a totally inapropriate posting. Go fuck yourself.
> ========
> Subject: $$$$$$$$ Check This OUT   !!!!!!!
> This is the $1.00 concept explained without the hype and the
> sillynumbers. Please read the following and you could be joining the
> many thousands of internet users who are currently earning large sums
> of money with a few hours work using their computers via the internet!
> ***********************************************
> This posting has been appearing for quite some time and now literally
> has thousands of people actively involved. No doubt like me, you may
> have seen it before and become a little confused by the way it's
> explained. Your investment will pay off. How? Many of you buy lotto and
> buy scratch­offs tickets? You don't know if your going to win, but you
> hope you do. Well, you can think about this the same way. Except, you
> only have to wonder about its authenticity for only a few days. I say
> this, because you will not only receive money, you will get it in
> droves. After about two weeks in, I'm beginning to get a reasonable and
> realistic return with a further understanding of just how big this
> concept really is. Money is coming in from all over the world!
> ++++++++++++ There are 3 easy steps ++++++++++++
> Step 1
> Take five sheets of paper. Write your name and address on each piece
> along with the words: "Please place me on your mailing list." Take one
> of the pieces of paper along with a one dollar bill and mail them to the
> five names listed below.
> NOTE: By asking to be placed on each persons mailing list you are in
> fact paying for a service that consists of using the internet to
> advertise a business dealing with assembling a mailing list of people
> who are interested in working from home using their computers to
> generate an income.
> The five individuals are as follow:
> 1. R. Cantu
>    3722 W. 227th St.
>    Torrance, CA  90505
> 2. Brian Morris
>    P.O. Box 1272
>    Commack, N.Y. 11725
> 3. Jeff Bare
>    2725 Waldron Road
>    Corpus Christi, Tx 78418
> 4. Will Smith
>    8503 Pleasant plains rd
>    Balt, MD 21286
> 5. E Palmer
>    P.O. Box 277762
>    Sacramento, CA  95827
> When you have mailed your message and one dollar bill (no checks or
> money orders please) to the above people, go to:
> Step 2
> Remove the top name and address from the above list and insert your
> own in the number 5 position. This can be done simply by amending the
> address section with no other alterations and posting as described
> later, or you can retype the whole document adding information you feel
> may be important.
> As you probably are aware, the internet is growing daily at a phenomenal
> rate, doubling every year. With literally millions and millions of
> people surfing the Net there is the potential for tremendous exposure.
> With nearly 20,000 newsgroups to post to and hundreds of thousands of
> people dialing in to them every day, if done correctly this program
> can't help but be successful.
> STEP 3
> Finally and most importantly, post this message with your name in the
> number 5 slot to at least 250 newsgroups. In theory you will earn $5.00
> for every 200 posting with your name at #5. Not a large sum...but wait.
> Each person that sent you a one dollar bill now also makes 250 posting
> with your name at #4. That equals about $50.00 to you. Then 50 new
> agents each post to 250 Newsgroups with you at #3. That's 12,500 posting
> which generate about $500 to you. These next 500 agents make 125,000
> posting with you at #2 which earns about $10,000. Finally about 5,000
> agents again make postings to 250 Newsgroups which would equate out to
> approximately $50,000 before your name drops off the list! This sounds
> like pie in the sky, but the numbers add up, and with over 40 million
> people on the internet, it works!!
> TIP!!
> For a better return post to more than 250 newsgroups initially, when
> your name drops off a list simply access another message from a
> newsgroup and start the process all over again.
> General Steps on automating the process:
> Make any necessary changes to this article as explained in step two and
> when your done save it to your word processor. Then click on copy. Next
> locate the newsgroups you intend to post to (Netscape is terrific for
> this because you can highlight dozens of newsgroups all at once,
> enabling you to distribute your message to thousands of locations in
> less than an hour or two.) Highlight all the newsgroups you want to post
> to, which is done by holding down the CRTL while clicking your left
> mouse button. This way you can select multiple newsgroups in one go.
> Then after highlighting the Newsgroups, click on "To News". Place a
> sensible title in the subject location, click on the text section, go to
> the edit menu and click on "Paste" click on send...and that s it. Repeat
> the process over and over again by selecting further Newsgroups in
> multiples of 10's but try to be selective with the groups by posting to
> high volume locations, and don't choose a subject that appears to
> flashy, as this will only put people off. This is an honest and
> legitimate way of making a reasonable amount of money on a regular
> basis, but only if your message is clearly understood by others.
> This system is based on everyone being honest. It's all to tempting not
> to send out the initial $5.00, but if you don't this could be illegal,
> and you won't be successful.

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