Induction of synaptogenesis

Joachim Kremerskothen kremers at uni-muenster.de
Wed Apr 9 03:01:36 EST 1997

Hi netters,

we started to work with the human teratocarcinoma cell line Ntera to
examine synaptogenesis. After treatment oft the precursor cells with
retinoic acid we got very nice neurons with axons and dendrites but
without synapses (analysed by immunostaining for synaptophysin, patch
clamp). Are there any known inducers for synaptogenesis  of cultured
neurons like conditioned medium or contact to other (muscle) cells?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Dr. Joachim Kremerskothen
Institut for experimental Pathology
University of Muenster
Mendelstrasse 11
D-48149 Muenster
phone ++49 251 838615
fax ++49 251 838616

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