Eternal Life Device

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Tue Apr 8 22:00:15 EST 1997

In <01bc4447$bca79f80$3bc30b26 at itjfvkli> "Alex Chiu"
<alexycchiu at earthlink.net> writes: 
> The speeded up blood
>circulation and electric current generate faster metabolism in order
>fight aging process. 

I said it before (when this nonsense apppeared some weeks ago)
and I'll say it again:

All the evidence suggests that speeding up metabolism would HASTEN the
aging process, NOT retard it or "fight" it.

Fortunately, magnets on the fingers of believers are not likely to 
have any direct effect on metabolism, but if magnets ease their worries
about aging, relaxation might reduce the metabolic load a bit and let
them live a little longer.  Whether they would live long enough to
learn how silly this is, one cannot judge.

As I said in my previous response, I do not mean to denigrate some
serious research which explores the parameters of some kinds of
magnetic influence on some physiological systems.

Frank LeFever
New York Neuropsychology Group

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