Psychoactive Drugs in Science Fiction

Patrick Wilken patrickw at cs.monash.edu.au
Sun Apr 6 21:32:45 EST 1997

In article <raven.860090817 at condor>, raven at condor.psych.ucsb.edu (Mary
Raven;x4249) wrote:

"Halo" by Tom Maddox has the main character find enlightnment using
psychedelic mushrooms. Certainly an interesting, well written book. The
drugs are not used as incident props and book while mystical in a certain
sense is also pretty much in the Hard SciFi school.

best,  patrick

Patrick Wilken                     http://www.cs.monash.edu.au/~patrickw/
Editor:     PSYCHE: An International Journal of Research on Consciousness
Secretary:      The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/              http://www.phil.vt.edu/ASSC/

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