>>>>> On 27 Mar 1997, trullier at helios.ens.fr (Olivier Trullier) wrote:
trullier> Hi, Does anyone know if there's a database available for building
trullier> compartment models of pyramidal neurons (I'm especially
trullier> interested in hippocampus), that is, web sites or detailed papers
trullier> that describe lengths, diameters and interconnectivity pattern of
trullier> the dendritic branches of a typical neuron, so that it can be
trullier> mapped into an equivalent electrical circuit?
I believe several groups have done work along these lines. James Bower is
the name that comes to mind. His web page is:
If you are interested in this kind of work, the following book is
indispensable. It contains some of the parameters you're seeking:
EDITOR = {Christof Koch and Idan Segev},
TITLE = {Methods in Computational Neuroscience},
YEAR = 1989,
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA}
There is a more recent book that looks useful for this topic, but I haven't
had a chance to look at it: _Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain_, by
Koch and Davis. See the MIT Press web page for it:
Of course, Wilfrid Rall and Idan Segev are the masters of cable theory and
compartmental models. You may wish to find their articles if you haven't
already. The Koch & Segev book also contain chapters by them.
Mike Hucka hucka at umich.eduhttp://www.eecs.umich.edu/~hucka University
PhD to be, computational models of human visual processing (AI Lab) of
UNIX systems administrator & programmer/analyst (EECS DCO) Michigan