drgg4 at aol.com (DrGG4) writes:
>> Regarding cognitive deficits that can only be detected with very sensitive
> and sophisticated neurological tests - how significant can such deficits
> be?
> Bill Skaggs is wrong in calling this a myth. Check out that video - it
> will astound you. Some will argue that the data presented there are not
> data, but anecdotes. See for your self.
> Gary Greenberg
For something as crucial as this I would not accept the evidence of a
video, however astounding. I would either need to see it for myself,
or else see a carefully presented case study in a reviewed journal.
As far as I can tell there is no such thing. I would also not be very
happy if the only evidence of pathology was based on CAT scans,
because hydrocephaly is likely to change the fluid balance in the
brain and thereby give rise to difficulties in interpretation (though
I make no claim to be an expert on this topic). An MRI would be
better, I think, but the most convincing thing would be a case that
came to autopsy. Still, nobody has yet pointed me to a published case
study that is even based on CAT scans.
-- Bill Skaggs