Neuroscience Editing

raking raking at gibbs.oit.unc.edu
Sun Apr 6 19:04:46 EST 1997

Biomedical Editing/Consulting (Contract Work)

Journal Articles
Research Grant Applications

Specializing in the Neurosciences, Endocrinology and Molecular Biology

Ph.D. in Neurobiology
M.A. in English
25+ Years Bench Research and Editing/Consulting Experience
38 Peer-Reviewed Publications
Experience Writing NIH and NSF Grant Applications
Extensive Experience with Foreign Clients
Current Government and University Editorial Contracts
Microcomputer Expertise (both IBM and Macintosh)
Mainframe Computer Expertise (both UNIX and VAX/VMS)
Knowledge of UNIX "shell" and HTML programming.

References and/or curriculum vitae provided on request.

For Further Information:

   E-Mail: raking at gibbs.oit.unc.edu

   Phone:  (919) 966-1519

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