Evidence of God

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Sat Apr 5 11:34:34 EST 1997

In <01bc4146$e9db22a0$LocalHost at default> "Henri Westerkamp"
<henriwes at xs4all.nl> writes: 
>How did I arrive, via this logical explanatory detour, at the evidence
>God's existence?

Maybe the same way Bruegel was able to paint a tower which was
destroyed many centuries before he was born?

 Hence the 'Babylonian

And hence the confusion in this long, long, confused posting...

>The tower was dismantled approximately 320 BC.  Two pictures of this
>still exist and were painted by 'Breugel'.

>How did I arrive, via this logical explanatory detour, at the evidence
>God's existence? >

Just that simply, by detouring around logic

>Thanks to the merking

>Isn't that a pity?'

>If you wish to have further discussions on this subject, than it can
>done within the discussion group over the Internet, where you have
>this story. 

God forbid!

 You can also contact me direct by Email on:
><henriwes at xs4all.nl>
>Translation from a Internet friend to whom you can also address your
>command and questions: <carl ottow at xtra.co.nz>
>Kind regards,
>Henri Westerkamp

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