For Sale: Neuroscience books

Alan Williams williams at conley.math.nwu.edu
Fri Apr 4 17:06:48 EST 1997

Please reply to:   Alan Williams
                   williams at math.nwu.edu
Conditions: F  -- indistinguishable from new
            VG -- very minor blemishes
            G  -- minor wear
Anderson, James A. 
    An Introduction to Neural Networks.  MIT Press, 1995.
    hardcover; F.   $35    (list $55)
Arbib, M.A. (editor)
    The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. MIT Press, 1995.
    hardcover; F.   $110   (list $175)  
Carpenter, Malcolm B.
    Core Text of Neuroanatomy (4th ed).  Williams & Wilkins, 1991.
    softcover; F.   $20    (list $39)
Nauta, Walle J.H. / Michael Feirtag.
    Fundamental Neuroanatomy.  W.H. Freeman, 1986.     
    softcover; VG.  $20    (list $37)

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