Right Side: Lesion & Symptoms!!

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Thu Apr 3 23:29:53 EST 1997

Brainstem lesions, particulary high up, can sometimes give mixed
ipsilateral and contralateral signs.  I think there may be cases in
which these have ben interpreted as "hysteria" because the naive
patient didn't know enough to have all her (women may be more at risk
for this sort of misinterpretation) symptoms on the "correct" side.

The same may be true of transient disturbances in the vertebrobasilar
arterial system, which may yield varying mixes of cognitive and/or
perceptual and/or somatic symptoms.  The variability  and intermittent
nature of the symptoms, as well as sometimes mixed left and right signs
may be particularly conducive to "psychiatric" diagnoses.

If your periodic symptoms (which may have nothing at all to do with the
parietal site) are due to something like this, perhaps SPECT or
posterior Doppler would detect something. 

 I suppose something further forward but subcortical might also be
looked for--my hunch is that a cortical frontal site might not yield
such a pure motor symptom.

Frank LeFever
New York Neuropsychology Group

In <19970404010400.UAA00993 at ladder01.news.aol.com> wdpsycddad at aol.com
(WDPSYCDDAD) writes: 
>To Whom It May Concern,
>I posted this message before, but could not find it when I returned,
>I'm posting it again.  Sorry, I'm new at this!!
>I have a lesion in my right parietal lobe, but all my symptoms are on
>right side!!!  It has not yet been determined what this lesion is, but
>there ANY case in which right sided lesion, tumors, etc. have caused
>symptoms on the SAME side??  Please e-mail me with responses!!!
>Thanks in advance,
>wdpsycddad at aol.com

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