Information (Spanish Neuropsychologists)

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Wed Apr 2 23:09:36 EST 1997

In <333D7DFB.EA0 at redestb.es> Javier González Lugo <jglugo at redestb.es>
>I would like to know if there any spanish neuropsychologist in this
>newgroup. Me gustaría saber si entre vosotros hay algún neuropsicólogo
>español o hispano. 
>	Saludos, Javier
>	Santander - España (Spain)

I don't know if they look in on this newsgroup, but Antonio Puente and
Lydia Artiola, both of the International Neuropsychological Society
might be interested; lacking their permission to post their addresses,
I will forward your request too them.

Also, the INS directory lists a few members in Spain--not all are
psychologists, because we are an interdisciplinary group, pursuing
neuropsychology in the generic sense.  Do you perhaps know of Dr.
Vendrell, in Barcelona?  He might be a good one to start with  to
contact others: he organized the INS meeting I attended there a few
years ago.  (Josep Vendrell-Brucet, MD; Hos de la Santa Creu i Sant

ALSO: The New York Neuropsychology Group has a Task Force on problems
of testing non-English-speaking patients, expecially Spanish-speaking,
which meets monthly (at St. Vincent's Hospital, NYC).  I will take your
 message to the next meeting.

Frank LeFever
New York Neuropsychology Group

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