autonomic storm

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Wed Apr 2 23:39:00 EST 1997

In <01bc3e4a$0bb75ec0$169465cf at richnet.iamerica.net> "richnet"
<richnet at iamerica.net> writes: 
>Can anyone direct me to information on traumatic brain injury and
>"ameliorative autonomic storms?  Please e-mail if you can help.
>richnet at iamerica.net

I've heard of autonomic storms only in the context of spinal cord
injury, so  if anyone can answer the above query, please tell me also!

HOWEVER the terms conjures up ideas.  IF the storm included increased
noradrenergic activity in the BRAIN, it might have an effect similar to
exogenously administered adrenergic agents which seem to promote
plasticity and regrowth...

Frank LeFever
New York Neuropsychology Group

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