Postdoctoral position available. Bethesda.

DTerBush danter1 at aol.com
Thu Apr 3 07:16:07 EST 1997

Postdoctoral position. Available immediately. Located in Bethesda, MD.
The laboratory is interested in understanding the biochemistry of
proteins which mediate vesicle targeting and fusion in exocytosis. We
have identified a multiprotein complex, the Exocyst (TerBush et. al,
EMBO J, 1996, 23: 6483), which is uniquely required for exocytosis and
want to recruit a talented individual to identify Exocyst recptor(s).
Salary is $26K plus benefits. A postdoc who writes a successful NIH or
private foundation fellowship will be supplemented to $32K. US
citizenship or permanent residency status required. Please send C.V., a
brief description of research experience and the names and contact
information for three references to: Dr. Daniel TerBush, Uniformed
Services University of the Health Sciences, Dept. of Biochemistry, 4301
Jones Bridge Rd., Bethesda, MD  20814-4799. E-mail: danter1 at aol.com.
Fax: 301-295-3512. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

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