18th Annual Conference, New York Neuropsychology Group;
joint meeting with the Psychology Section, NY Academy of Sciences
Saturday, April 19, 1997
New York University Medical Center
(Alumni Hall, First Ave & 31st St, NYC)
Registration 8:15 am--9:00 am
9:00 President's Greetings
F. LeFever, Helen Hayes Hospital
9:15 Introduction, by Conference Organizers
William Barr, Hillside Hospital-LIJMC
Kathleen McKay, Mt. Sinai Med Ctr
9:30 Age-Relatd Differences in Memory: Automatic vs. Controlled
Processes. Larry Jacoby, NYU
10:30 Break
10:45 Declarative Memory: Insights from Cognitive Neurobiology.
Howard Eichenbaum, Boston U.
11:45 Discussion
12:15 Lunch
1:30 Using Converging Measures for the Functional Mapping of Human
Memory. Teresa Blaxton, Advanced Techn. Div., United Info. Syst.
2:30 Clinical Assessment of Amnesia and Its Imposters.
Jason Brandt, Johns Hopkins.
3:30 Discussion
4:00 Adjournment
Before April 5: $65 ($25 students))
After, or at the door: $75 ($30 students)
Checks, payable to NYNG, to: NYNG, po box 2548
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510.
Lower fees for NYNG members. Info: Dr. LeFever FAX (914) 9477-3350
flefever at ix.netcom.com