University of Minnesota
Oct. 2-4, 1997
This two-and-a-half day conference will draw together leading
scientists in the area of vision and motor control with special
focus on the challenging problem of vision for reach and grasp
movements. Speakers (listed below) have been invited who address
this topic from the perspectives of behavior, computational
theory, and neuroscience. The conference will also feature
presentations of submitted posters.
We invite you to attend this conference and to consider
presenting a poster on the general topic of vision and motor
The conference web site
gives information on:
* Program and invited speakers.
* Registration and lodging.
* Submission of abstracts for posters (June 1 deadline).
* Travel Fellowships for Minority and Disabled Students and
Richard Andersen (Cal Tech, Pasadena) Title TBA.
Hideo Sakata (Nihon University, Tokyo Japan). "Neural coding
of 3-D features of objects for manipulation."
Roberto Caminiti (Universita degli Studi di Roma,Italy)
"Coding of reaching in the parieto-frontal network."
Nichos Logothetis (Max-Planck Institute, Tuebingen Germany)
"Neural mechanisms of perceptual organization."
Apostolos Georgopoulos (U. of Minnesota, Brain Sciences Center)
"Brain mechanisms of motor cognitive processes."
Tim Ebner (Univ. of Minnesota,
Neurosurgery)"Temporal representation of
movement parameters in the motor cortices: Perception to
Mel Goodale (U. Western Ontario, Canada) "Visuomotor
psychophysics: Towards a taxonomy for the visual control of
Francesco Lacquaniti (Instituto di Fisiologia dei Centri Nervosi,
CNR, Milan Italy) "Visuo-spatial memory for reaching."
Kamil Ugurbil (U. of Minnesota Center for Magnetic Resonance
Research) "Imaging of brain function with high field magnetic
Daniel Wolpert (Institute of Neurology, London UK) Title TBA.
Mitsuo Kawato (ATR Human Information Science Research Lab,
Japan) "Visuo-motor transformation: Computational study of
instantaneous firing probability."
Alan Yuille (Smith-Kettlewell Inst. for Visual Science, San
Francisco) "Bayesian decision theory and active vision."
Charles Anderson (Washington U., St. Louis) "Focal attentive
processing of visual information."
Nikos Papanikolopoulos (U. of Minnesota, Computer Science)
"Robotic visual grasping using eye-in-hand technology."
Marc Jeannerod (University of Lyon, France) "Determinants of the
opposition axis."
Mary Hayhoe (U. Rochester, Rochester NY) Visual routines in
natural tasks."
Claes von Hofsten (Umea University, Sweden) Title TBA.
James Lackner (Brandeis U., Boston) Title TBA.
Al Yonas (U. of Minnesota, Child Development) "The role of
pictorial depth cues in the control of rapid visually guided
Dan Kersten & Pascal Mamassian (U. of Minnesota Psychology and
NYU) Title TBA.
Chris Buneo, John Soechting and Martha Flanders
(U. of Minnesota, Physiology) "The internal model for reaching."
Marty Banks (UC Berkeley) "Use of retinal and extra-retinal
information in the perception of spatial layout."
Charles Duffy (U. Rochester, Rochester NY) "Integrating
visual and non-visual signals about self-movement."
Ellen Hildreth (Wellesley College, Wellesley MA) "The visual
input to driver steering control."
Gordon Legge & Tim Klitz (U. of Minnesota Psychology)
"Mr. Chips: An ideal
observer model for saccade planning in reading."