(Fwd) Re: Memory proteins

Michael Duggan michael.duggan at camr.org.uk
Wed Apr 2 11:22:19 EST 1997

In article <333D6D7F.7D3C at worldnet.att.net>, CHEE SENG LEE
<cslee at worldnet.att.net> wrote:

> Anyone:
>         Does anyone have any knwoledge about the proteins assciated w/ 
> memory, specifically associated w/ neurons in the brain?

Look at the work of Steven Rose (from the Open University, UK) on chick.

 It's a good model and he has some interesting results on NCAM, GAP-43 etc.

 Some of it is about real proteins not just mRNA.

Don't have any of the refs to hand but he has done a review in TINS 
in the last 2 years.
Michael J. Duggan,
Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research,
Porton Down,
SP4 0JG,

michael.duggan at camr.org.uk

Tel 01980 612733
Fax 01981 612100

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