In article <33427C77.DE0 at>, Robert Born
<dagobert_duck at> wrote:
> Nate wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I posted this request about a month back but to no avail, so I thought I'd
> > try again. Can anyone help me out? (BTW, I'm looking for it to read not
> > collect, i.e. condition doesn't matter).
>> If there is somewhere an scanned or ascii-version, a mail to me would be
> too.
The book was published in 1949 and it is still in copyright. So a legal
scanned version does not exist. Perhaps someone suggested this before, but
why not visit the library? Most good sized public libraries and all college
libraries will probably have a copy of this book.
Get rid of the asterix in the address to send me e-mail. I put it there to
cut down on all the automated junkmail.