On Sun Mar 30 1997 Ania Lian <ania at lingua.cltr.uq.oz.au> wrote:
> I promise I will go through this one!! I swear though we have
> never had on this list anybody yet so ..... illustrative...:-) :-)
> ania
> On Fri, 28 Mar 1997, SCN User wrote:
>> Quite true. One "manageable way to start investigating" language
>> and the mind is to treat the brain as a black box that we explore
>> from our privileged vantage of Chomskyan linguitics as a roadmap:
Today e-mail has come from Muenster, Germany, asking me either to
stop sending the brain-mind models or to provide a quick summary:
Project Mentifex (Latin "Mindmaker") is NOT commercial but rather
it is the attempt of individuals to build artificial intelligence
in the public domain in order to raise the human quality of life.
Project Mentifex can no longer be stopped or prevented from intro-
ducing AI; the process can only be accelerated or retarded--as it
probably should be to give time for human governments to regulate
the inescapable emergence of AI (Vinge, 1993 Whole Earth Review).
You chosen few, the 886 language experts who subscribe to SLART-L,
are nolens-volens incubators of the Web-borne runaway meme of AI:
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Concepts Interrelating With Words /^^^^^^^^^^^\
/visual memory\ interassociative ________ / auditory \
| /--------|-------\ memory / syntax \ |episodic memory|
| | recog-|nition | \________/<--|-------------\ |
| ___|___ | _V__flush-vector| spiral| _______ | |
| /image \ | /core\ ___V___ loop| /engrams\ | |
| / percept \ | /"self"\<-----/lexical\<---|--/ "you" \| |
| \ engrams /<--|-->/ "self" \--->/nonverbal\---|->\ "I" / |
| \_______/ | \ "other" )<--\concept- /<--|---\"I" / |
| | \"other"/---->\router /--->|--->\"you"/ |
| | \_____/ \_____/ | \___/ |
http://www.newciv.org/Mentifex/ run periodic Mentifex Web search.