The Neuroscientist March Issue Available

Kevin Lomangino kevinl at access5.digex.net
Tue Apr 1 09:54:51 EST 1997

We are very pleased to announce that the March issue of 
The Neuroscientist Online Edition is now available for 
your review at http://www.theneuroscientist.com.  

The table of contents for this issue is as follows:

T H E  N E U R O S C I E N T I S T 
March 1997, Volume 3, Number 2     
The Neuroscientist Comments
PMP 22 and myelin diseases
Hedgehog, axonal transport, and neurogenesis 
Thalamocortical function and learning disability 
LIM-kinase 1 and visuospatial cognition 
Neuroanatomy of true and false memory
Episodic ataxia, hemiplegic migraine, and absense epilepsy: Mutations 
in Ca2+ channels
Neuroscience Update
Intracellular Na+ regulation in neurons and glia: Functional 
Christine R. Rose
Physical injury of neurons: Important roles for sodium and chloride 
Jen Hill Lucas, Dennis G. Emery, and Lisa J. Rosenberg
Ionic channels with weak voltage-dependence 
Marco A. Rizzo
Gene expression in nerve regeneration
Clemens Gillen, Christian Korfhage, and Hans Werner Müller
Reorganization of sensory systems of primates after injury 
Jon H. Kaas, Sherre L. Florence, and Neeraj Jain
Progress in Clinical Neuroscience
The neurofibrillary pathology of Alzheimer's disease 
Michel Goedert
History of Neuroscience
Emanuel Swedenborg:A neuroscientist before his time 
Charles G. Gross

The online edition of Neuroscientist features the full text and 
images of the print edition, plus additional 
features including searchability and free links from article 
references to MEDLINE.  This means that the abstract for 
each article in the reference list will be available to you 
by simply clicking your mouse.
Access to the online edition of The Neuroscientist is available at 
no additional charge to our print subscribers. Non-subscribers may 
access the full text of articles online for a trial period by signing up for 
a free trial subscription (details available at our web site). Online-only 
subscriptions (which do not include a print copy) are available at a 
slightly reduced rate from our regular print subscription. 


The Editorial Staff of The Neuroscientist

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