Salvinorine and Dream research

Claude de Contrecoeur Cyrano at beehive.twics.com
Sat Sep 28 01:38:05 EST 1996


Salvinorine and Dream Research

Salvinorine  is the most powerful natural hallucinogen.Salvinorine  is a unique 
diterpene hallucinogenic molecule found in Salvia divinorum.
This plant was discovered in the I96O's by Hofmann,etc,in Mexico.
Salvinorine may open novel avenues of research into the mechanisms of schizophrenia 
and psychotic states as it,apparently,does not act by any known neurotransmitter 
The  effects of salvinorine are very sensitive to light and sound stimulation.
Salvinorine's hallucinogenic properties can only be experienced in darkness and 
silence,contrary to serotoninergic hallucinogens.
Because of this peculiar phenomenon,salvinorine may,in fact,just trigger phenomena 
naturally encountered in the transition phase between the waking state and sleep.
In fact,descriptions of the effects of salvinorine on consciousness are consistent 
with the fact that salvinorine is not really a hallucinogenic molecule but an 
oneirogenic molecule.
Salvinorine,apparently,triggers a shift from the normal waking state of consciousness 
to a dream state of consciousness while retaining awareness.
Such a state of consciousness is called a CONSCIOUS DREAM when it comes naturally or 
with learning.Conscious dreaming has been much explored by some Tibetan monks since 
nearly a millenium while it only came recently to the attention of Westerners.
The first explorer of conscious dreaming in the West seems to have been the Marquis de 
Saint-Denis in the I9th century,in France.
In summary,salvinorine may induce short REM episodes while awake and 
so,literally,kick,all of a sudden,the experimenter directly into a random oneiric 
scene.If this hypothesis is correct then salvinorine may become an important tool in 
order to investigate more deeply how REM sleep is triggered.Hobson has already shown 
the importance of cholinergic cells in this phenomenon.Salvinorine may or may not act 
on these cholinergic neurons,directly or indirectly.
So salvinorine should be a valuable tool for the exploration of natural REM sleep.
As psychotic states obey to rules very similar to those observed in 
dreams(1),salvinorine might also open the way to novel anti-psychotics.
Salvinorine,thus,deserves serious studies.

Note:Salvia divinorum is a very rare plant.
For those researchers interested in studying salvinorin(e)here is an address of a 
nursery where you can obtain specimens of salvia divinorum for research: 
hoti at ilhawaii.net





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