Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships in Biomedical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University BME Department invites
applications for the Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships. This
program is funded by the Whitaker Foundation. It aims to promote an
inter-disciplinary approach to the study of complex biomedical
systems, and provide the very best of the recently graduated PhDs an
opportunity to perform independent research in a supportive
environment. Each recipient will be sponsored by two faculty from any
of the following areas of concentration: biomedical imaging,
biomaterials, cardiovascular systems, molecular and cellular systems,
sensors and instrumentation, systems neuroscience, and theoretical and
computational biology. Salary of the fellows will be
$30,000 per year, with additional funds to cover health insurance.
The duration of the fellowship is two years. Interested applicants
should submit a CV, two letters of reference, and a two page
description of their research interests and previous work to: Dr.
Murray Sachs, Director, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, 720 Rutland
Ave, Baltimore, MD 21205. Deadline for receipt of applications is
Dec. 15, 1996. For more information, see: http://www.bme.jhu.edu.