Hyper-Cerebral Electrosis

kenneth paul collins KPCollins at postoffice.worldnet.att.net
Fri Sep 27 19:19:09 EST 1996

Sean Tracey wrote:
> Has anybody ever heard of this. I studies Neuroscience at
> the University of Hartford for 2 year and never heard of
> anything even remotely related.
> ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
> Date:          Wed, 25 Sep 1996 18:55:53 -0300
> Reply-to:      Jose Manoel Cruz Pereira Nunes <jmpnunes at MATRIX.COM.BR>
> From:          Jose Manoel Cruz Pereira Nunes <jmpnunes at MATRIX.COM.BR>
> Subject:       WEEKLY WORLD NEWS, May 24, 1994 MOSCOW
> To:            Multiple recipients of list CHESS-L
> Doctors are blaming a rare electrical imbalance in the brain for the
> bizarre death of a chess player whose head literally exploded in the
> middle of a championship game!
> No one else was hurt in the fatal explosion but four players and three
> officials at the Moscow Candidate Masters' Chess Championships were
> sprayed with blood and brain matter when Nikolai Titov's head suddenly
> blew apart. Experts say he suffered from a condition called
> Hyper-Cerebral Electrosis or HCE.
> "He was deep in concentration with his eyes focused on the board,"
> says Titov's opponent, Vladimir Dobrynin.  "All of a sudden his hands
> flew to his temples and he screamed in pain.  Everyone looked up from
> their games, startled by the noise.  Then, as if someone had put a
> bomb in his cranium, his head popped like a firecracker."
> Incredibly, Titiov's is not the first case in which a person's head
> has spontaneously exploded.  Five people are known to have died of HCE
> in the last 25 years.  The most recent death occurred just three years
> ago in 1991, when European psychic Barbara Nicole's skull burst.  Miss
> Nicole's story was reported by newspapers worldwide, including WWN
> "HCE is an extremely rare physical imbalance," said Dr. Anatoly
> Martinenko, famed neurologist and expert on the human brain who did
> the autopsy on the brilliant chess expert.  "It is a condition in
> which the circuits of the brain become overloaded by the body's own
> electricity.  The explosions happen during periods of intense mental
> activity when lots of current is surging through the brain. Victims
> are highly intelligent people with great powers of concentration. Both
> Miss Nicole and Mr. Titov were intense people who tended to keep those
> cerebral circuits overloaded.  In a way it could be said they were
> literally too smart for their own good."
> Although Dr. Martinenko says there are probably many undiagnosed
> cases, he hastens to add that very few people will die from HCE.
> "Most people who have it will never know.  At this point, medical
> science still doesn't know much about HCE.  And since fatalities are
> so rare it will probably be years before research money becomes
> available."
> In the meantime, the doctor urges people to take it easy and not think
> too hard for long periods of time.  "Take frequent relaxation breaks
> when you're doing things that take lots of mental focus," he
> recommends.
> (As a public service, WWN added a sidebar titled HOW TO TELL IF YOUR
> Although HCE is very rare, it can kill.  Dr. Martinenko says knowing
> you have the condition can greatly improve your odds of surviving it.
> A "yes" answer to any three of the following seven questions could
> mean that you have HCE:
> 1.Does your head sometimes ache when you think too hard?  (Head pain
> an indicate overloaded brain circuits.)
> 2.Do you ever hear a faint ringng or humming sound in your ears? (It
> could be the sound of electricity in the skull cavity.)
> 3.Do you sometimes find yourself unable to get a thought out of your
> head? This is a possible sign of too much electrical activity in the
> cerebral cortex.)
> 4.Do you spend more than five hours a day reading, balancing your
> checkbook, or other thoughtful activity? (A common symptom of HCE is a
> tendency to over-use the brain.)
> 5.When you get angry or frustrated do you feel pressure in your
> temples? (Friends of people who died of HCE say the victims often
> complained of head pressure in times of strong emotion.)
> 6.Do you ever overeat on ice cream, doughnuts and other sweets?  (A
> craving for sugar is typical of people with too much electrical
> pressure in the cranium.)
> 7.Do you tend to analyze yourself too much?  (HCE sufferers are often
> introspective, "over-thinking" their lives.)
> Jose Manoel C. P. Nunes
> e-mail: jmpnunes at matrix.com.br
> http://www.matrix.com.br/jmpnunes/xadesczz.htm
> Caixa Postal 3066, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil,  ZIP:
> 88010-970
> ---------------- End of Forwarded Message --------------------------
> Here are my two cents on HCE, which has got to be of greatest concern
> to all of us serious chess players.
> Of course, I am shocked by the above report.  It did not mention the
> *most* serious danger sign that you are at risk of HCE: spending more
> than five hours a day every day analyzing all 3,667,324,221
> significant variations, subvariations, and sub-subvariations of the
> Ruy Lopez?
> By the way, for those of you that scoff at this story, did you know
> that the first well known victim of HCE was none other than Paul
> Morphy?
> ==============================================
> JAMES W. REVAK - San Diego, CA - jrevak at cts.com
> ==============================================
> ===================================================
> JAMES W. REVAK  -  San Deigo, CA  -  jrevak at cts.com
> ===================================================

ROFL... ken collins

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