Durio Zibethinus:An Addictive tropical fruit

Claude de Contrecoeur Cyrano at beehive.twics.com
Tue Sep 24 09:14:15 EST 1996


Le Dourion(Durio zibethinus):Un Fruit induisant une dépendance.

Durio zibethinus is an asian fruit widely cultivated in Thailand and other 
places,supposedly because it is a kind of king of fruits!
Durio zibethinus is called Turiane,in Thailand.
Turiane is indeed an extraordinary fruit when one considers the extraordinary prices 
people can pay for it...
Living in the Kingdom of Thailand for a few years,I noticed that this fruit was not 
like ordinary fruits:it is addictive,which may explain its popularity and high prices.
I found that when I started to eat turiane I could eat sometimes 2 kg a day and then 
feel completely disgusted for the rest of the day.But,invariably,the next day I would 
become obsessed again with eating turiane!
Some other people have reported the same behaviour and craving for turiane.
According to Thais the combination of turian and alcohol can be fatal:death due to a 
sudden increase in blood pressure.
Apparently,some natural IMAOs(monoamine oxidase inhibitors)such as harmaline can 
induce hypertensive episodes if combined with alcohol.
It would so be interesting to see if turiane contains similar molecules.
Does anybody have information on this topic?

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