Help! Neuroscience/Psychology journals on-line?

Luppi Pierre-Herve luppi at URA1195-6.UNIV-LYON1.FR
Thu Sep 26 03:22:25 EST 1996

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>>I would appreciate information (URL) on other reviewed
>>neuroscience/psychology journals, if any, available 
>>on-line now or in the nearest future.
>>I will be grateful for an e-mail reply to my personal address
>>even if you post to the group.

We provide a list of journals, bibliographic and academic sites in
Neuroscience at our site. Besides, our site provide informations on
sleep (basic, clinical and research). We also recently open a
discussion group on sleep in which we report every week the new sleep
papers (subscription informations available at our site). At  our
site, we also now provide a database of the complete bibliography on
sleep since 1991


Luppi Pierre-Herve INSERM U52, CNRS URA 1195, Fax: (33) 78 77 71 72
Tel : (33) 78 77 71 23  Faculte de Medecine, 8, avenue Rockefeller,
69373, LYON, cedex 08, FRANCE http://ura1195-6.univ-lyon1.fr  (Our
server on sleep) ------------------------------------------------------=

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AMILY><PARAM>Helvetica</PARAM>>>I would appreciate information (URL)
on other reviewed

>>neuroscience/psychology journals, if any, available 

>>on-line now or in the nearest future.


>>I will be grateful for an e-mail reply to my personal address

>>even if you post to the group.</FONTFAMILY></X-FONTSIZE><SMALLER><X-F=

We provide a list of journals, bibliographic and academic sites in
Neuroscience at our site. Besides, our site provide informations on
sleep (basic, clinical and research). We also recently open a
discussion group on sleep in which we report every week the new sleep
papers (subscription informations available at our site). At  our
site, we also now provide a database of the complete bibliography on
sleep since 1991


Content-Type: application/X-url
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Description: Sleep, dreams and wakefulness

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Luppi Pierre-Herve INSERM U52, CNRS URA 1195, Fax: (33) 78 77 71 72
Tel : (33) 78 77 71 23  Faculte de Medecine, 8, avenue Rockefeller,
69373, LYON, cedex 08, FRANCE http://ura1195-6.univ-lyon1.fr  (Our
server on sleep) ------------------------------------------------------=



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