Position Opening for a Neuroscientist/Computer Scientist

Terry Schofield tscsi at ix.netcom.com
Wed Sep 25 11:52:53 EST 1996

Cognitive Systems Inc. is a start-up, Washington DC-based company founded with
the explicit purpose of researching and developing machine-based intelligence
using biologically-plausible models of cognition.

CSI currently has a position opening for a neuroscientist/computer scientist
with a background in sensory fusion and integration.  Excellent communications
skills and innovative approaches to the problem domain are both
major advantages.  Interested qualified respondents please forward your
resume/cv,  salary expectations, and availability date to the following
address (NOT Email):

Cognitive Systems Inc.
PO Box 495
McLean, VA 22101

All responses will be held in the strictest confidence.

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