Barry Bayliss wrote:
>> kenneth paul collins wrote:
>> > I've spent the last 25 years knitting together the work of the
> > Neuroscience experimentalists...
> >
> > ...if you wish, put it to the test by selecting =any= non-trivial
> > published Neuro article dealing with the functional neuroanatomy...
>> ok, I'll try to find an adequate paper for you.
>> In the meantime, could you send me a copy of your cv (not in word
> format,
> postscript will be fine).
>> Barry...
...sorry, I'm just a somewhat-devoted amateur... no CV... if you're
going to submit a test, please be quick... I lost my employment last
month, and it seems that I'll soon have to dump my library because
I've not been able to find new employment... having put my salary into
my research, I've no savings... ken collins