PG physiology at colinst.com
Mon Sep 23 13:49:54 EST 1996

Research on neonatal laboratory animals are very limited because of
the size of neolatal animals. Capnometer is a device which measures
end-tidal CO2 (correlated to arterial pCO2) and N2O along with ventilation
frequency. We developed a MICRO-CAPNOMETER which can measure
accurately end-tidal CO2 in a wide range of animals including mice and
neonatal rats (from 6 days old). The device utilizes low air sample flow
rates(5,20 ml/min.)and the measurement is based on low pressure-high
velocity principle and analyzes the gas sample with infra-red gas sensor
technology. It has also the capabilities of determining the respiration rate
by counting the period from the wave pattern of CO2 concentration. Analog
outputs make it possible to record %CO2 and %N2O waveforms on the
chart recorder. Optional RS-232 interface and software allows connection
and display of CO2 and N2O waveforms on IBM-PC compatible computers.
If you are interested in receiving more information about this instrument, please
e-mail  your postal address.


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