"CNS specific knock-outs for cre-lox"

Martin G. Hulsey mhulsey at fcs.uga.edu
Mon Sep 23 10:28:20 EST 1996

In article <525sf1$scg at sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de>,
un691cs at genius.embnet.dkfz-heidelberg.de (z) wrote:

> Hello, 
> here in the lab we would like to make CNS specific knock-outs
> with the cre-lox system. For this, I am looking for a CNS (not
> PNS !) specific promoter, which is either expressed only in CNS
> neurons, or in CNS neurons as well as glia. neurofilament, 14-3-3,
> vimentin, nestin or negrin won't do, as these are either 
> expressed in PNS neurons or outside by non-neural cells as well.

Take a look at Retina-derived POU-domain factor-1 (J. Neurosci. 16(7):
2261-2274;1996) or Na+/Cl(-)-dependent "orphan" transporter Rxt1  (J.
Neurosci. Res. 42(3): 423-432; 1995.

I'm not really sure if clones are available for these yet, but the
expression patterns are what you want. 

As an aside, do you think that CNS-relevant knockout models are useful to
learn about the role of gene products in normal animals (aside from a role
in neuronal development, perhaps)?  The recent NPY knockout has me
thinking otherwise, because the results were so discordant compared to
exogenously-administered peptide.

I would submit that temporal control of cre or flp expression will prove
to be as important as neuroanatomical control, if not more so.  This is
because it is now apparent that neural networks can develop in alternative
ways that can compensate for the total absence of an otherwise important
gene product like NPY.

mhulsey at fcs.uga.edu

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