left-right reversal of CNS: Why?

G K GRAY gord at homostudy.win-uk.net
Thu Sep 19 17:21:05 EST 1996

In article <3234D1F6.5AFE at postoffice.worldnet.att.net>, kenneth paul collins (KPCollins at postoffice.worldnet.att.net) writes:
>>I personally am of the opitical connection persuasion
>The optics are beautifully-alligned, but if that were the determining 
>rationale, it'd've been easier for a compound lens to be engineered into 
>the eye... no?
>>I would like to see more than the "same hands." :)
>me too. these are =really= important questions... ken
A compound lens does exist in chameleons, in the form of a galilean


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