HELNET 1997 Workshop on Neural Networks

Marcel van der Heyden heijden at rullf2.leidenuniv.nl
Thu Sep 19 10:07:29 EST 1996

         HELNET 1997 International Workshop on Neural Networks
                  October 4 - October 6, Montreux

 Announcing the HELNET 1997 Workshop on Neural Networks to be held in
        Montreux, Switserland from October 4 - October 6 1997.
Exact location of the venue and other details will be annnounced later.
  Fill out the provisional registration form and we will keep you
          up-to-date with the latest information by email.


   The HELNET workshops are informal meetings primarily targeted
  towards young researchers from neural networks and related fields.
   They are traditionally organised a few days prior to the ICANN 
  conferences. Participants are offered the opportunity to present 
  and extensively discuss their work as well as more general topics 
                     from the neural network field.


         HELNET International Workshop on Neural Networks
               Proceedings Volume I/II (1994/1995)
       M.J. van der Heyden, J. Mrsic-Floegel and K. Weigl (eds)

              The proceedings can be browsed on-line at:
  On-line ordering is also provided for using credit card details
                     or having an invoice sent.

HELNET 94/95 Workshop Proceedings - Table of Contents:

Development of Spatio-Temporal Receptive Fields for Motion
Detection in a Linsker Type Model
(S. Wimbauer, W. Gerstner and  J.L. van Hemmen)

The Dependence on Size and Calcium Dynamics of Motoneuron 
Firing Properties: A Model Study
(Marcel J. van der Heyden, A.A.J. Hilgevoord and L.J. Bour)

Annealing in Minimal Free Energy  Vector Quantization
(D.R. Dersch and P. Tavan)

Projection Learning: A Critical Review of Practical Aspects
(Konrad Weigl)

Transforming Hard Problems into Linearly Separable ones with
Incremental Radial Basis Function Networks
(B. Fritzke)

Why are Neural Nets not Intelligent?
(Harald Huening)

Aspects of Information Detection using Entropy
(Janko Mrsic-Floegel)

Generating a Fractal Image by Programmed Cell Death:
a Biological Communication Strategy for Parallel Computers
(David W.N. Sharp)

The Impossibility to Localize Electrical Activity in 
the Brain from EEG-Recordings by Means of Artificial Neural Networks
(Sylvia C. Pont and Bob W. van Dijk)

Analysis of Electronic Circuits with Evolutionary Strategies
(Harald Gerlach and Joerg D. Becker)

Neural Networks and Statistics: A Brief Overview
(Marcel J. van der Heyden)

Self-Controlling Chaos in Neuromodules
(Nico Stollenwerk)

The Effects of Feature Selection on Backpropagation in 
Feed-Forward Neural Networks
(Selwyn Piramuthu)

Exploring the Role of Emotion in the Design of 
Autonomous Systems
(Raju S. Bapi)

A Fusion of Game-Theory Based Learning and Projection Learning
for Image Classification
(Konrad Weigl and Shan Yu)

Codierung eines Problems in die Sprache der Evolution
(Harald Gerlach)

Modelling the Wiener Cascade Using Time Delayed and 
Recurrent Neural Networks
(M.G. Wagner, I.M. Thompson, S. Manchanda, P.G. Hearne and  
G.R.R. Greene)

Niche memories for Temporal Sequence Processing:
learning, recognition and tracking using neural representations
(Janko Mrsic-Floegel)

Stretching the Limits of Learning Without Modules
(Antal van den Bosch and Ton Weijters)

The Future for Weightless Systems
(Nick Bradshaw)

A Way to Improve Error Correction Capability of Hopfield
Associative Memory in the Case of Saturation
(Dmitry O. Gorodnichy)

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