Help! Neuroscience/Psychology journals on-line?

Neil A. Busis nab at telerama.lm.com
Wed Sep 18 21:18:00 EST 1996

In article <516hq0$1ks at casaba.srv.cs.cmu.edu>, dredish at cs.cmu.edu (David
Redish) wrote:

>In article <514lh6$8ol at bronze.coil.com>,
>SG  <sergei.gutnikov at psy.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

>>I would appreciate information (URL) on other reviewed
>>neuroscience/psychology journals, if any, available 
>>on-line now or in the nearest future.
>>I will be grateful for an e-mail reply to my personal address
>>even if you post to the group.
>There is a list of neuroscience journals with online
>access (some Table of Contents only, some whole text)
>listed at the Cognitive Neuroscience Internet Resources site,
>        http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Web/Groups/CNBC/CogNeuro

See my site:  http://www.lm.com/~nab/neurojour.html

I have now sorted all relevant journal sites by whether they provide access
to full text, abstracts, tables of contents, or are just announcement-type
Neil A. Busis, M.D.          Neurosciences on the Internet
nab at telerama.lm.com          http://www.lm.com/~nab

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