Serotonine and Dopamine in the CNS

Betty Martini betty at noel.pd.org
Wed Sep 18 18:23:51 EST 1996

Here some interesting information about what is causing the problems in 
this record.  First of all, aspartame reduces serotonin.  From the 
Congressional Record, S 5511, May 7, 1985, Wurtman affidavit:

"Aspartame has been demonstrated to inhibit the carbohydrate induced 
synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin.  SErotonin blunts the 
sensation of craving carbohydrates and thus is part of the body's 
feedback system that helps limit consumption of carbohydrate to 
appropriate levels.  Its inhibition by aspartame could lead to the 
anomalous result ofa diet product causing increased consumption of 

Basically its telling you that NutraSweet is not a diet product.  But why 
is this so important.  100 million people have been using it but in June 
it was approved as a general sweetener in everything in the grocery store!!!!

This product is what has been triggering manic depression, panic attacks, 
rage, paranoia, hallucinations, insomnia, etc.

Also, aspartame is NOT A FOOD ADDITIVE but is a DRUG!!!!!  If you will 
access Senator Metzenbaum's bill from our auto-responder you will also 
see that this drug that interacts with other drugs CHANGES THE DOPAMINE 
LEVEL OF THE BRAIN - this drug changes brain chemistry, and it is a 
seizure triggering drug.  

It has been masquerading as a safe food additive sweetener but if you 
access NutraPoison, the history of aspartame you will find out that it 
was listed with the pentagon in an inventory of prospective biochemical 
warfare weapons submitted to Congress.

Think about this in Neurology.  NO WARNING IS ON ASPARTAME EXCEPT FOR PKU!
Do you realize this not only triggers Parkinson's Disease but it can 
easily kill a Parkinson's patient because it changes the dopamine level 
of the brain and interacts with the patients drugs!

The FDA lists 92 documented symptoms from four types of seizures and 
blindness to coma and Death.  We are dealing with a deadly drug in the 
food supply.  It ravages every organ in the body.  It triggers lupus, 
Graves Disease and is escalating Alzheimers.  It has two neurotoxic amino 
acids (because they are isolated from the other amino acids in protein), 
phenylalanine and aspartic acid, that go past the blood brain barrier and 
deteriorates the neurons of the brain.  Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blalock 
has written Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills about it - 1 800 
-643--2665, and Dr. Roberts has written DEFENSE AGAINST ALZHEIMERS DISEASE
1 800 -814-9800.  Dr. Roberts is now writing a new book because aspartame 
has become a disease.  It also precipitates diabetes.  In a nutshell 
aspartame destroys the central nervus system (position paper by Dr. 
Roberts on our auto-responder), the optic nerve and the brain.

I don't know who originated this post but if you're looking for the 
culprit causing all the neurological symptoms and diseases this is it!

Instructions beneath my signature line for the auto-responder.


To get more information on aspartame, email betty at pd.org as follows:
Subject: sendme help   
The subject line must be typed exactly like the above line.
Betty Martini             1.  Take the 60-day No-Aspartame test
Mission Possible                 and send us your case history.
PO Box 28098              2.  Tell your doctor and your friends.
Atlanta GA  30358         3.  Return Aspar-Poisoned foods to the store. 
USA                           (Nutrasweet(tm), Equal(tm), Spoonful(tm), etc)

We are dedicated to the proposition that we will not be satisfied until death 
and disability are no longer considered an acceptable cost of business.

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