I've been discussing saltatory conduction and myelination with my
class in physiological psychology. Demyelinating diseases came up. Hence
the following question:
Both multiple sclerosis (MS and adrenoleukodystrophy (ALS, the disease
portrayed in the film Lorenzo's oil) are demyelinating diseases. But how
do they differ?
I understand that MS is likely an environmentally-caused (viral)
auto-immune disease, and ALS is a sex-linked genetic disorder; also that
ALS onset is in childhood, MS in adulthood.
But are there characteristic differences in symptoms? And is the site and
extent of damage to the myelin different in the two disorders?
Information, preferably with references, would be appreciated.
Stephen Black, Ph.D. tel: (819) 822-9600 ext 470
Department of Psychology fax: (819) 822-9661
Bishop's University e-mail: sblack at ubishops.ca
Lennoxville, Quebec
J1M 1Z7