Thin-Film Microelectrode Bibliography Update. (Repost)

Danny Banks D.Banks at surrey.ac.uk
Fri Sep 13 05:25:29 EST 1996

Reposted since servers were down, and I don't think the original got out :-/

This file lists the documents that I have added to the thin film microelectrode
bibliographies that can be found on the web at:


The index used to compile some of this list was BIDS, the rest was either
forwarded to me, came from web pages, or I found in references of papers
I already have.

Thanks to M Grattarola (Genoa) for citations, M Bogdan (Tuebingen) for
reprints, and P Heiduschka (Tuebingen) for corrected citations.

Also, many thanks to Steve Potter (CalTech) for providing me with a copy of
his own list of references. Papers culled from his list will start appearing
in updates soon.

Since the last update, I have also added quite a number of links to web pages
of people involved in thin-film microelectrod work. These can be found on
my links page:


As usual: the bibliography only lists publications that I have, and is far
from complete. Citations / reprints gratefully received. The date of the
update file is the date I started to compile it, in case anyone is

UPDATE 4 : 2 April 1996


SJ Carter, CJ Linker, T Turkle-Huslig, LL Howard. "Comparison of Impedance
at the Microelectrode-Saline and the Microelectrode-Culture Medium Interface",
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 39 (11), pp 1123-1129, 1992.

P Fromherz, H Schaden. "Defined Neuronal Arborizations by Guided Outgrowth
of Leech Neurons in Culture", European J. Neuroscience, 6 (9), pp 1500-1504,

M Grattarola, M Bove, G Verreschi, S Martinoia, M Tedesco, S Chiarugi. "The
Engineered Petri Dish: A New Tool for Biotechnology", Minerva Biotechnologica,
7, pp 228-233, 1995.

GW Gross, BK Rhoades, DL Reust, FU Schwalm. "Stimulation of Monolayer
Networks in Culture through Thin-Film Indium-Tin Oxide Recording
Electrodes", J. Neurosci. Meth., 50 (2), pp 131-143, 1993.

GW Gross, FU Schwalm. "A Closed Flow Chamber for Long-Term Multichannel
Recording and Optical Monitoring", J. Neurosci. Meth., 52, pp 73-85, 1994.

GW Gross, BK Rhoades, HME Azzazy, M-C Wu. "The use of Neuronal Networks on
Multielectrode Arrays as Biosensors", Biosens. & Bioelect., 10 (6-7),
pp 553-567, 1995.

H Hammerle, U Egert, A Mohr, W Nisch. "Extracellular Recording in Neuronal
Networks with Substrate Integrated Microelectrode Arrays", Biosens. &
Bioelect., 9 (9-10), pp 691-696, 1994.

J-S Lee, M Kaibara, M Iwaki, H Sasabe, Y Suzuki, M Kusakabe. "Cultured Cell
Patterning for Bio-Electronics", Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. & Technol. A,
247, pp 365-372, 1994.

E Maeda, HPC Robinson, A Kawana. "The Mechanisms of Generation and Propagation
of Synchronized Bursting in Developing Networks of Cortical Neurons", J.
Neurosci., 15 (10), pp 6834-6845, 1995.

W Nisch, J Bock, U Egert, H Hammerle, A Mohr. "A Thin Film Microelectrode
Array for Monitoring Extracellular Neuronal Activity in Vitro", Biosensors
& Bioelectronics, 9 (9-10), pp 737-741, 1994.

J Wyatt, J Rizzo. "Ocular Implants for the Blind", IEEE Spectrum, May 1996,
pp 47-54, 1996.


G Ensell, DJ Banks, DJ Ewins, W Balachandran, PR Richards. "Silicon-Based
Microelectrodes for Neurophysiology Fabricated using a Gold Metallization /
Nitride Passivation System", J. Microelectromechanical Systems, 5 (2),
pp 117-121, 1996.


M Bogdan, W Rosenstiel. "Classification of Nerve Signals using Kohonen's
Self-Organizing Map", Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 34, Supplement 1, Part 2,
pp 239-240, 1996.

E Valderrama, P Garrido, E Cabruja, P Heiduschka, A Harsch, W Gopel.
"Microfabrication and Characterisation of Microelectrode Arrays for
in vivo Nerve Signal Recording", Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Solid-State Sensors
& Actuators, Transducers '95, Stockholm, June 25-29, Volume 1, pp 63-66, 1995.


RA Normann, EM Maynard, KS Guillory, DJ Warren. "Cortical Implants for the
Blind", IEEE Spectrum, May 1996, pp 54-59, 1996.

S Schmidt, K Horch, RA Normann. "Biocompatibility of Slilcon-Based Electrode
Arrays Implanted in Feline Cortical Tissue", J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 27,
pp 1393-1399, 1993.

Danny Banks.                                               D.Banks at surrey.ac.uk
------------ http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/D.Banks/index.html -----------
"The variables vary too much and the constants aren't as constant as they seem"

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