Barry Bayliss wrote:
>> kenneth paul collins wrote:
>> > The mapping is in an advanced stage of detail... =sufficient= to allow
> > the functionality of the whole system to be described in a unified way.
> > ken collins
>> What are your references to such a claim???????
>> Barry...
I've spent the last 25 years knitting together the work of the
Neuroscience experimentalists...
...if you wish, put it to the test by selecting =any= non-trivial
published Neuro article dealing with the functional neuroanatomy...
...I'll show you how a =single= principle integrates everything in
that's discussed in the article of your choice with everything else
within the CNS... course I'll have to do an "abbreviated edition"...
...but be quick... I just got "fired", and my funds are extremely-low...
just days left to this online "life"... ken collins