Vision Is Complex

Arthur T. Murray uj797 at freenet.Victoria.BC.CA
Mon Sep 16 07:27:00 EST 1996

Behold a deceptively simple visual memory channel in this diagram
of the "Standard Model" of cognition for artificial intelligence.
Such bold nomenclature is a memetic ploy to stimulate discussion.

What appears here as logically a monolithic channel of successive
visual memory slices has contrariwise but equivalently been shown
by toilers in the field of brain-mapping to be widely distributed
sub-areas of the cortex, each dedicated to specialized processing
for the transmission, recognition, and deposition of visual data.

http://www.newciv.org/Mentifex/ is the static archival repository
of the complete history of how this strange theory of mind arose.
Progress in developing this completely modular assemblage of mind
components was stymied for years until truths of Hubel and Wiesel
on feature extraction were incorporated within this architecture:

  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ CONCEPT-FIBERS GANGED TOGETHER AS /^^^^^^^^^^^\
 /             \ 3 MINI-GRIDS OF SEMANTIC MEMORY /             \
| episodic      |                               | episodic      |
| visual        |  * $ H-----H * * H $ H * H $  | auditory      |
| memory        |  * $ H $ * H *-* H $ H * H $  | memory        |
| recognitions  |  * $ H $ * H * * H $-------$  | activations   |
|               |  * $---$ * H * * H $ H * H $  | at            |
|      /------- |  * $ H $ * H-------------H $  | multiple      |
|      |        |  * $ H $-----------$ H * H $  | random        |
|      +------- |  * $ H $ * H * * H---H * H $  | intervals     |
|      |        |  *-------* H * * H $ H * H $  | but           |
|      |        |  * $ H $ * H *-* H $ H * H $  | showing       |
|      +------- |  * $ H---------------H * H $  | only:         |
|   ___|___     |  * $ H $ * H *---------* H $  |    ________   |
|  /image  \    |  * $ H $ *---* * H $ H * H $  |   / stored \  |
| / percept \<--|----->H $ * H * * H $ H * H----|->/ H-e-l-e-n\ |
| \ of Helen/   |  * $ H $ * H * * H $ H * H $  |  \ phonemes / |
|  \_______/    |  * $ H $ * H * * H $ H * H $  |   \________/  |
|               |                               |               |
|               |          ________   semantic  |               |
|      /--------|-------\ / syntax \  memory    |               |
|      |  recog-|nition | \________/<-----------|------------\  |
|   ___|___     |       |    |flush-vector      |    ______  |  |
|  /image  \    |    ___V____V___  word-fetch   |   /      \ |  |
| / percept \<--|-->/ conceptual \--------------|->/ stored \|  |
| \ engrams /   |   \ mini-grids / for thinking |  \ words  /   |
|  \_______/    |    \__________/  in language  |   \______/    |
|               |                               |               |

Color code, print out and post to stimulate talk and meme-travel.

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